$ graph init --contract-name Token --index-events --product subgraph-studio --from-contract 0xc944E90C64B2c07662A292be6244BDf05Cda44a7
✔ Protocol · ethereum
✔ Subgraph slug · ndgrtsubgraph
✔ Directory to create the subgraph in · ndgrtsubgraph
? Ethereum network …
✔ Ethereum network · mainnet
✔ Contract address · 0xc944E90C64B2c07662A292be6244BDf05Cda44a7
✔ Fetching ABI from Etherscan
✔ Fetching Start Block
✔ Start Block · 11446769
✔ Contract Name · Token
Generate subgraph
Write subgraph to directory
✔ Create subgraph scaffold
✔ Initialize networks config
✔ Initialize subgraph repository
✔ Install dependencies with npm install
✔ Generate ABI and schema types with npm run codegen
Add another contract? (y/n):
Subgraph ndgrtsubgraph created in ndgrtsubgraph
Next steps:
1. Run `graph auth` to authenticate with your deploy key.
2. Type `cd ndgrtsubgraph` to enter the subgraph.
3. Run `npm run deploy` to deploy the subgraph.
Make sure to visit the documentation on https://thegraph.com/docs/ for further information.